But I don't really have time for that.
Unfortunately, this idea came to me a little late in the game and I will have to condense everyone's personalized Christmas letters into one . I'm sure you don't mind at all. Just keep an eye out for information that might pertain to you and we should be good to go.
December 20, 2012
Hello, friend!
How are you? I've been meaning to get in touch ever since I saw the engagement announcement on Facebook. Which reminds me, so sorry to hear about the break up. You were too good for him anyway. And the wedding? It looked beautiful. YOU looked beautiful. It's hard to believe that we're old enough for this kind of stuff, you know? And don't worry--you will be a great dad.
I think about you often and wonder how you are doing. It's hard not to when you've known someone for as long as we've known each other. Even though we only met in college, I will always consider you to be one of my dearest friends. I guess it just goes to show that it doesn't matter how many years are in a friendship, but the number of years that lie ahead! Ha ha. I've been thinking about you and old high school gang lately. We sure knew how to get in trouble, eh? I met all too many people in college who had never partied before and I was like, you should see my crew from back home! You made high school the best time in my life! I can easily say that college was the best time in my life and I think I have you to thank for that. I can't wait to see you on New Years Eve. I wish I were seeing you some time soon. See you at the reunion? Feel free to visit if you ever find your self in the Windy City--I've got a futon with your name on it! Now is probably not the best time for me to have visitors, though, as I just have so much going on. Maybe in the spring!
Congratulations on your new job! It looks like you're really enjoying it. I always knew that you would amount to something great and have the opportunity to do something you love. And I love reading your work tweets-so funny! It's like I'm right there with you. Don't worry about the job luck--I think it's something we all go through. And can you believe these assholes who tweet from work? Talk about unprofessional, not to mention completely arrogant. Like, who cares, you know? I really am so truly happy for you. I really am so truly pissed that everybody appears to be doing better than me. I really am so truly glad I didn't immediately go to grad school. I should have gone to grad school.
Are you still writing? Are you still performing? Do you ever play the violin anymore? Are you dating anyone? How are classes? How's your mom? How's your dad? Do you think your brother has an actual crush on me or a fake one? Can you read something for me? How are your knees? Do you like Houston? Do you like Portland? Do you like Boston? Do you like Berkley? Do you like Nashville? Is law school hard? Is med school hard? Is living at home hard? Are you famous yet? Do you think you're really moving to France? Are you happy? Have you seen Lincoln? Did you cry when you saw the final pictures from the last day of 30 Rock? Did you get a haircut? How's I.S.? Have you figured out your life yet? Do you miss me?
Best of luck in the new year! Merry Christmas! See you some day!
There, I think that about covers everything I wanted to say to everybody.
In other exciting news, there was a rat in our apartment this morning. I don't blame him--we have a pretty cozy place that is pulsating with the joy of Christmas. Last night I stayed up with a friend watching Liz & Dick and in order to make it through, we went through a lot of wine. So this morning at 5:30 when my room mate notified me that she had just had a stand off with a rat, I was still filled with holiday cheer as I had just gone to bed two hours before. I was very confused and decided the best thing to do was build a barricade of clothes against my door so the rat couldn't get in. I then considered that the rat could have gotten in the apartment via my closet, so instead of opening my closet and just checking, I built another barricade in front of that door. Then I crept back into bed and proceeded to have alcohol induced rat dreams with images including but not limited to: The Rat King from The Nutcracker, Rat from Fantastic Mr. Fox, Templeton, this creepy guy from high school that everyone referred to as "the rat," and then another guy from college who sported a rat tail and we all knew him as "Rat King, Lord of Hipsters." I was also still thinking about Liz & Dick. So all of this converged in my poor, throbbing head and then I woke up and hid under my covers for awhile because I am not emotionally or physically strong enough to come to fisticuffs with a gigantic, human-sized rat. But then the exterminator came and he set traps all over our kitchen. Can't wait to see if they've worked when I come back from Ohio!
Don't mind me. I'm just eating all your plants and candy and getting away with it.